Longer RAY5 10W/20W Laser Engraver

The best laser engraver for beginners

From $259.99

In stock | Est. to be delivered in 1-3 business days

  • Exceptional Versatility: Interchangeable laser modules (30W/20W/10W/5W/2W IR) allow you to work with a wide variety of materials.
  • Perfect for Beginners: With an easy-to-assemble design, this tool offers precision engraving up to 0.01mm and speeds of up to 10,000mm per minute, making it ideal for newcomers.
  • User-Friendly App Control: Compatible with Lightburn, LaserGRBL, and LaserBurn for seamless operation.
  • The air pump and roller in bundles will be shipped at the end of January, your package will be split and shipped. Thank you for your understanding and support.