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We are sorry for the delayed update on this project, everything is still processing, the 4k color screen has been back to our factory after recover the screen, this procedure has taken a long time to finish, because we need to peel off the previous cover very carefully and then recover again to lcd screen. They ware arrived in our factory yesterday night.
We shipped out 21 units before our Chinese New Year holidays to our warehouse, this dispatched is the very first production we made and selected. We will ship the printers as backer number as following today, for sure, the compensation resin will be shipped together:
The Oraneg 4K color printer will be finished assembly and testing around the end of March or the beginning of April, after that, we will ship them out to our warehouses first, then to dispatch to each backers. Moving in this way, each backer won't be charged by import tax or VAT (Euro backer, but not included UK now). We will update the pictures when the 4K printer is on our production lines and ready for shipment.
Now we are still waiting the mono screen on production, in plan, they will be launched for production next Tuesday and we will get them around 10th-15th of April after they are inspected.
After we get the mono screen, the 4K Mono printer will be on set for production. The printer will be started for shipment around the end of April.
We improved the isolation on board, connecting cables and the grounding between board and metal case in the defective printers, they perform better than before after 72 hours testing, and didn't reboot again.
After two weeks aging test, we have changed the cooling fan as a higher rotating one with more stable speed.
We are sorry again for the delayed, but the project is still moving normally. If there's any question or need further information, please feel free to contact us at
Thanks and Best regards,
Longer Team